Professor Loraine Gelsthorpe
Deputy Chair of Trustees and Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Fellow & Tutor for Graduate Affairs, Pembroke College, Cambridge

Professor Gelsthorpe (FHEA, FRSA, FAcSS), is former Director of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge, and Founding Director of the Centre for Community, Gender and Social Justice (now called the Justice & Society Research Centre). She also co-founded the Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement within the University (and before this was co-convenor of the University-wide multi-disciplinary Cambridge Migration Research Network). Loraine continues to sit on various University Committees (and was formerly Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies and University Student Funding competition). Loraine is a former President of the British Society of Criminology, and is currently Chair of the national Probation Institute; she also sits on a number of Ministry of Justice Advisory Committees relating to fairness and discrimination (including HMInspectorate of Probation Advisory Committee). She is Fellow Emerita at Pembroke College – and continues to be a Graduate and Undergraduate tutor - as well as offering counselling (as a UKCP registered and accredited psychotherapist) both within Pembroke and beyond. She is a trustee of Pembroke House Settlement/Community Centre in Walworth, South London and a Trustee of the Isaac Newton Trust.
Reflecting a brief but character-building career in social work after her first degree in History and Philosophy at Sussex University, Loraine has wide-ranging interests in the links between criminal and social justice, looking at race, gender and social exclusion, women and sentencing and the effectiveness of youth justice and community penalties in particular, with extensive publications in these areas.